
Film Financing

Rani Josephine de Castille (Letters, Oct. 22) writes that she is producing a black-oriented family film but that potential distributors and financiers are urging she fill it with negative stereotyping.

I have a suggestion: Forget the big-name companies and seek out smaller, more serious independent organizations that might be willing to back such an unconventional project.

There is certainly a market--millions of black moviegoers would find such films a dream come true.


There are also plenty of individuals--including this writer--who have done, or are working on, similarly positive projects.

Since Megabucks Hollywood has proven itself incapable of producing valid black-oriented entertainment without Cosby, Murphy or Hall, the obvious solution is to go to companies unbound by conventional restrictions.

I have often talked with enterprising souls about starting black distribution organizations, and maybe even a black theater chain, but since that will never be, the above seems the most logical way to go.



