
Senate Panel, Bush in Accord on Covert Action

From Associated Press

The Bush Administration and the Senate Intelligence Committee have reached “a meeting of the minds” on conditions for future U.S. participation in any coup attempt against Panamanian dictator Manuel A. Noriega, the panel’s chairman, Sen. David L. Boren, said Thursday.

Boren, an Oklahoma Democrat, said he believes it has been made clear that U.S. officials are free to consult and advise coup plotters so long as assassination is not “an expressed goal” of the operation.

The committee also reached agreement with President Bush on rules for informing Congress of covert operations overseas to prevent abuses such as the lapse during the Iran-Contra affair, Administration and congressional officials said.


Bush is sending a letter to the committee spelling out his intention to abide by 10-year-old understandings about keeping congressional oversight committees apprised of covert intelligence activities, said Boren and Sen. William S. Cohen (R-Me.), vice chairman of the panel.

In exchange for the promised letter, the committee dropped from its intelligence bill for 1990 and 1991 language that would have imposed an absolute requirement that the President notify Congress of such actions within 48 hours of authorizing them, the senators said.

The panel also dropped a ban on the CIA’s ability to use its contingency fund to launch new covert operations not reported to Congress.


Cohen had proposed that provision after the congressional Iran-Contra hearings, in which it became clear that then-President Ronald Reagan had neglected for more than 10 months to tell the Congressional intelligence committees that he was selling weapons to Iran in hopes of winning the release of Americans held hostage in Lebanon.

Cohen said Bush has promised to give the committees warning of covert actions “on virtually all occasions.”

In rare cases when prior notice is not given, the President will let Congress know “within a few days,” Cohen said.
