
Keeping RTD Buses on Time

Wishart’s column only substantiates what exasperated riders of the 406-407 line have experienced at least since I started riding the line in January, 1985.

After numerous complaining calls, two petitions addressed to the local county supervisor calling for better service in the form of on-time buses, and local meetings attended by riders, RTD officials, and politicians, nothing has changed in 4 1/2 years of bus riding.

At one point a few weeks ago, the bus that had been showing up at a particular time failed to arrive for three days in a row. Calls to RTD asking if there was an unannounced schedule change only inform the dispatchers what they already know, i.e., the bus failed to arrive as scheduled.


The reasons given by RTD for such shoddy service are always the same: lack of drivers, shortage of working equipment and a dearth of spare parts. Since bus riders can only vote with their feet, how will the powers that be convince more people to take the bus in view of the inability of RTD management to rectify the problems?

Even the drivers are hampered by such ineptitude. One recent consistent and courteous driver left to drive another line when he realized that RTD would not provide adequate equipment to service the line.

In fact, since there appears to be no particular accountability on the part of RTD officials to do anything about the problems, why should they? I’ll continue to ride the bus because my company subsidizes the cost. My answer to the shoddy service is: What do you want for nothing?


At any rate, fellow bus riders of the 406-407 freeway express to downtown Los Angeles from Sunland-Tujunga and thereabouts will continue to refer to RTD as the Ridiculous Transit District, or better, Real True Disaster.


