
Opera Pacific has elected eight new members...

Opera Pacific has elected eight new members to its board of directors, bringing total membership to 43. Elected to serve three-year terms are: Susan Bartlett, a designer; Hansel Benvenuti, an internist; Dorothy Conte, who supports community and cultural groups; Richard Engel, president of Powerplant Specialists Inc.; Dennis Fratt, president of ConsumerHealth Inc.; William Roberts, founder and board member of Emulex Corp.; Jeanette Segerstrom, a partner of C.J. Segerstrom & Sons; and S. Gayle Widyolar, a dermatologist.

Reelected to three-year terms are: Arlene Cheng; Laila Conlin, Robert A. Huber, C. Jay Kurtz, Jean-Paul Montupet and Richard H. Wagner.
