
P.M. BRIEFING : By-Phone Buyers’ Rights Voted

From Times wire services

The Federal Trade Commission voted unanimously today to give consumers who purchase items by telephone the same rights they would have had if they had bought through the mail.

Currently, mail-order merchandisers must notify consumers if they are unable to ship products and goods within the time stated in advertisements and catalogues. If the delay is going to be 30 days or less the buyer has the option of canceling the order. If the delay is going to be more than 30 days the order is automatically canceled unless the consumer expressly agrees to the longer delay.

The FTC action today extends the rule to shipment of merchandise ordered by telephone.

The commission will send a notice of the proposed rule to Congress and publish notice in the Federal Register, allowing 30 days further comment before the rule can take effect, spokeswoman Brenda Mack said.
