
Tass Says It Relied on Children for Account of UFO’s Landing

From United Press International

A correspondent of the Tass press agency who wrote that an unidentified flying object landed in the city of Voronezh admitted today that he did not see the landing and interviewed “about 10” youngsters as the source of his report.

The report by correspondent Vladimir Lebedev, transmitted by Tass on Monday, said tiny-headed aliens up to 13 feet tall terrified the residents of Voronezh when they and a robot escort took nighttime strolls through a park after landing in their UFO.

Lebedev, 59, a 20-year Tass veteran, said he heard of three landings in September, with the last on Sept. 27, in the city about 300 miles south of Moscow.


Asked whether he had seen any of the landings, he said, “No,” and asked how he confirmed the story, he said that he spoke to “about 10 youngsters aged 12 to 13.”

“No more were needed,” he said.

Igor Efimov, a deputy editor at Tass, said experts were being sent to Voronezh. But he noted that among the two dozen witnesses of the reputed landings there were no scientists, no officials and no militiamen.
