
White Power Group Vacates Offices : Separatists Quit Bombed Building

Times Staff Writer

The League of Pace Amendment Advocates, a white separatist organization, appears to have moved out of its national offices in the 1200 block of South Glendale Avenue, less than a week after a bomb damaged part of the building the group occupied.

George King, the group’s director of education, said in an interview last week that the bombing came as the group was preparing to move to “larger, more convenient quarters” to accommodate its growing numbers.

Other occupants of the damaged building said Wednesday that the group had already vacated the premises. And calls to the group’s telephone number at that office were not answered.


New Site Not Known

Whether the white separatist group’s new headquarters are in Glendale is unclear. King said last week that the group had not yet decided where to relocate. He also declined to state the group’s membership or to indicate how rapidly it was growing.

Firefighters and police officers were called to the office building about 3:30 a.m. Aug. 10 in response to neighbors’ reports of hearing the blast. The explosion caused about $5,000 in damage to the building, which is also occupied by dental offices. No one was injured.

The bomb did no damage to the Pace group’s offices, but authorities consider the attack to have been aimed at the organization.


King said the group would be content to remain in Glendale, which he said was a convenient “front line” against “. . . the evil of the Third World invasion.”

Asked what he meant by that, King said it was obvious that the city’s population is changing.

Last week’s bombing marked the first time that the white separatist group had experienced harassment within the city. Fire Capt. John Orr said there had not even been graffiti before Thursday’s incident. “A few unpleasant phone calls, some heavy breathing and that had been it,” King said.


Citizenship Limit

The group, which supports amending the U. S. Constitution to limit American citizenship to white people of European ancestry and deporting all non-white, non-Christians, has had an office in Glendale for three years.

Pace amendment supporters “have nothing against” people from the Third World, King said. He said the group was motivated by the idea that “good fences make the best neighbors.”

Daniel Johnson, an attorney who authored the constitutional amendment supported by the league and an unsuccessful candidate this past spring for Wyoming’s sole seat in the House of Representatives, recently left the organization.

The bombing shows that opponents of the league regard the group as a force to be reckoned with, King said. “They don’t spend any time on an outfit that they don’t see as a threat,” he said.

FBI Investigation

The FBI is leading an ongoing investigation into the bombing. Bomb debris found at the site was sent to the FBI’s Washington offices for examination.

King said no one has called the group to claim credit for the bombing. He declined to speculate about who might have responsible for the incident. The group has “enough fish to fry without playing Miss Marple,” he said.


The League of Pace Amendment Advocates gained media attention two years ago when a near-riot between the group’s supporters and leftist protesters occurred outside Glendale Central Library.
