

A column by Neal Peirce singles out plastic foam polystyrene packaging and other nonbiodegradable products as a major cause of our solid waste disposal crisis (Op-Ed Page, July 23).

He falls victim to the faddish pseudo-solutions of plastic foam ban advocates, not realizing that such a ban would actually worsen the solid waste crisis.

Here are the facts:

The only solution to the landfill crisis is reducing what goes into the landfill. And the best way to do this is through recycling. That’s why the proper use of plastic foam food packaging will help solve the solid waste crisis--because it is the only disposable food service product that can be recycled.


In fact, the manufacturers of polystyrene foam recently became the first industry to develop a national infrastructure for recycling their products. The National Polystyrene Recycling Co. has a plant on line in Massachusetts, and plans to have four more facilities across the nation operating in a year.

Substitutes for polystyrene, which would have to be used in communities where a ban is enacted, cannot be recycled.


Executive Director

Polystyrene Packaging Council

Washington, D.C.
