
Down With Copters

Apropos of your Aug. 4 article concerning helicopter noise in Rancho Santa Fe--that isn’t the only place that’s continuously bedeviled, annoyed, harassed and irritated by filthy, rackety, noisy, pounding, slam-banging helicopters!

I recently paid my respects to my departed mother’s grave, at Forest Lawn in Glendale, only to be bombarded by slamming, slashing, banging, tree-top flying helicopters. These “don’t give a damn” helicopter pilots causing this hideous staccato, banging racket don’t even have the decency or respect to let the dead rest in peace. This grossly disturbing helicopter pounding is contemptuously disgraceful and anathema to the reverence of the deceased and those who visit their graves.

I reside in the rural community of Lilac, far north of Rancho Santa Fe, and helicopter pandemonium egregiously pervades and destroys the peace, quiet and tranquility of this bucolic area almost hourly!


If it isn’t that horrid and ungodly nerve-shattering, ear-splitting, window-rattling, building-shaking POP-BANG POP-BANG POP-BANG racket from Camp Pendleton’s helicopters, then it’s those insidiously pesky zinc-spraying helicopters squirting poison zinc all over avocado groves.

And add to that all the lookie-loo helicopters viewing the Lilac Ranch and the proposed (and vehemently opposed) dump site in Keys Canyon. This noisy, rackety helicopter problem is a corrosive, devastating problem of widespread proportions and it threatens to get dramatically worse before it gets better.

Every time I see or read of a helicopter crash, I just say, “HOORAY! Another filthy, rackety, pounding, slam-banging helicopter that will never disturb the peace, quiet and tranquility of our rural and bucolic area ever again!”



