
Supervisors Call for Probe of Jail Breaks

The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday called for an investigation of two jail breaks during an eight-day period at the Peter J. Pitchess Honor Rancho in Castaic and asked Sheriff Sherman Block to report what steps are being taken to prevent more escapes.

Kirk Anderson, 27, of Van Nuys escaped from the Castaic compound Sunday. Anderson, who had served about three weeks of a one-year sentence, was scheduled to appear Aug. 14 in Van Nuys Municipal Court on a burglary charge.

Authorities said he broke through wire-mesh screening over a recreation area, then scaled a 12-foot-high fence topped with razor wire and another fence that surrounds the jail.


On July 30, Rodolfo Corona, 22, cut a hole in wire mesh over an enclosed recreation area, jumped from the rooftop and scaled a 20-foot-high fence topped with razor wire. Corona was awaiting a preliminary hearing on robbery and kidnaping charges.

Both inmates were still at large Tuesday.
