
Taming Killer Bee

Seldom can one point to a specific point in time when the use of words, ink and paper will save lives, which is the case of your reporting of the San Diego Africanized honey bee (AHB) symposium. Hollywood has promoted the image of the AHB as a giant bee that goes out of its way to attack people, when in reality it is only a subspecies of the domestic bee that is much more defensive of its hive. This is not to say we can ignore it; the community needs to be prepared.

Your accurate reporting of the scientific aspects about the AHB (“Conferees Discuss ‘Killer’ Bee Quarantine Sites and Emergency Services,” June 16) has replaced public fears with facts that will allow them to protect themselves and disrupt their lives to a minimum.

We plan to organize a task force this fall, which will prepare an action plan for the community. Such a plan limited the number of deaths in Mexico to five over a three-year period, as compared to more than 300 during a similar period in Venezuela.



County Agricultural Commissioner
