
Dismount Lights to Put Brakes on Skateboards, Bikes Near Pier

Skateboard gridlock has arrived at Huntington Beach Pier.

To control the skateboard and bicycle traffic on the popular beach service road paralleling the ocean, city officials have installed flashing yellow traffic lights from 6th Street to the Jack’s food stand, a local landmark.

Lifeguards will turn on the lights when the road becomes overrun by bikes and skateboards, meaning people will have to dismount and walk, said Max Bowman, director of the city Community Services Department, which oversees the beach.

Lifeguards began warning violators of the new rules June 1 and established a 16-day grace period so riders could get used to the lights. After Friday, however, violators--especially repeat offenders--may be cited by police, Bowman said.


The lights are at Jack’s, Lake Street, the pier and the restrooms near 6th Street.
