
Hoag Hospital and Indigent Patients

I read with great interest your recent article on the UCI Medical Center. The role of providing health care for the indigent population of Orange County is one that has fallen on UCI Medical Center by default. The lack of a county hospital in Orange County is a serious problem, and UCI is providing a vital service to the community by helping to fill the void.

UCI Medical Center is incurring huge operating losses as a result of being the primary provider of health care for indigents in Orange County. This is a very serious situation. The loss of this resource for Orange County would be a serious blow to all citizens. All parents can relate to the recent case that made headlines where a young man severed his hand with a power saw. If UCI Medical Center and its skilled team of surgeons had not been available, this young man might not have use of his hand today.

I hope that the citizens of Orange County will have enough vision to get involved now before this situation becomes a crisis. Let’s not wait for emergency rooms to close and have a famous person make headlines because he is unable to receive timely medical care. UCI Medical Center is a vital part of our community, and we should take action before this situation is out of control.


I have been in the health care business for 15 years, and I understand what can happen. Most citizens will only become aware when it affects them personally. If we wait that long, it will be too late.


Costa Mesa
