
West Hollywood : Polystyrene Ban Planned

The City Council took the first step toward prohibiting the use of polystyrene foam containers Monday night when members directed the city attorney to draft a measure giving businesses two years to stop using them.

Citing environmental concerns, Mayor Abbe Land said West Hollywood is following the lead of Minneapolis, Berkeley and other cities that have banned the use of polystyrene, which is not biodegradable or recycleable.

Polystyrene also presents a litter problem, according to a city report.

“We hope to get people to use more environmentally safe products,” Land said. “Many times when I go to the market I want to use paper, but sometimes I don’t have that option.”


Under the proposed ordinance, restaurants and take-out food vendors would have until July 1, 1990 to stop distributing and selling polystyrene products. The council also proposed the formation of a citizens task force to advise city officials on the development of the measure and other environmental issues.
