
Baker’s Warning to the Israelis

Again, Israel comes to us and asks for $3 billion in yearly aid (Part I, May 13). Under the provisions of the so-called “Humphrey-Kennedy” amendment, the U.S. government can suspend all military aid to a country guilty of human rights violations. We have clear evidence of violations of human rights in the occupied territories by the Israeli government. I believe that suspension of military aid to Israel would result in a dramatic change in an otherwise intransigent attitude of the Israeli government towards negotiations for a peaceful settlement in the West Bank.

I am absolutely opposed to my tax dollars going for the support of a government which flagrantly and willfully violates human rights.

It is now time for people of good conscience to make a clear statement to Israeli government officials that they must try with every resource to work towards a peaceful settlement of the dispute with the Palestinians on the West Bank.



Los Angeles
