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Pro-lifers advocate adoption as an alternative to abortion. I am a mother who lost my son to adoption over 20 years ago. Contrary to what I was told as a young, pregnant girl, I did not forget my child. The pain did not go away but rather increased over the years. What did go away was my self-respect. My son and I have been re-united, and he, too, has suffered as a result of adoption.
Natural mothers and adoptees, until recently, have been silent. There are now hundreds of support and search groups throughout the country joining these individuals together and healing the pain that adoption causes. Adoption is not the solution to unwanted pregnancies.
Making abortion illegal will affect mainly poor and minority women who could not afford to travel out of state or country for an abortion, or even afford an unsafe illegal abortion.
Adopting parents do not want any baby. They want healthy, white newborns. Minority babies, along with unhealthy babies, will add to the thousands of older, minority and abused children who already linger in foster homes. Where are the adopting parents? Sitting at home waiting for that perfect, healthy, white newborn.
Keep abortion legal.
Los Angeles