
Local News in Brief : Torrance Backs Helmet Bill

Despite fervent opposition by a coalition of motorcyclists, the Torrance City Council unanimously voted to support mandatory helmet legislation proposed by Assemblyman Richard E. Floyd (D-Carson).

Floyd’s bill, which is scheduled for consideration by the Assembly Transportation Committee, would impose a $50 fine for riding a motorcycle without a helmet.

Floyd sponsored a similar bill last year that was vetoed by Gov. George Deukmejian.

In supporting the bill Tuesday night, Mayor Katy Geissert said the council took a stand because every year motorcyclist injuries cost taxpayers millions of dollars in hospital bills. She said the city is also concerned because every year hundreds of people who do not wear helmets are killed in motorcycle accidents.


David Phillips, a motorcyclist and representative of a coalition of motorcycle clubs, urged the council to oppose Floyd’s bill and support a similar bill, Assembly Bill 58, that would require helmets only for motorcyclists under age 21.

Councilman Bill Applegate said he disagreed with Phillips because, “when your head meets the concrete, it doesn’t ask what age you are.”
