
Local News in Brief : Huntington Beach : Man’s Body Discovered Floating at State Beach

The body of a man was spotted Tuesday afternoon floating in the surf at Huntington State Beach, authorities said.

The body, dressed in a jacket, slacks and sneakers, was brought ashore at Magnolia Street, lifeguard Al Pepito said.

The cause of death was not readily apparent, there was no identification on the fully clothed body and the age was uncertain, Pepito said.


Authorities said the body appeared to have been in the ocean up to a month.

“All we know is we had a report about 3:20 p.m. of a person floating in the surf,” Pepito said. “Our lifeguards went out to investigate and pull it in.”

“It wasn’t too pretty,” lifeguard dispatcher Dan Weller said. “He was in the water at least a month or 3 weeks. There was not much left. He had decomposed.”

The county coroner’s office was called to investigate, but a coroner’s spokeswoman declined to comment Tuesday.
