
‘All the Good’ That Paul Salata Does

After reading the recent article on the Sports Foundation and Paul Salata, I would like to share my gut reaction.

If one did not know Salata and read that article, one would probably question his character as an individual. I feel an injustice has been printed in “pointing the finger” at Salata and his association with the Sports Foundation.

The bold headlines misled myself as a reader to think that some wrongdoing was going on and Salata was the culprit.


For “all the good” that Paul Salata has done for Orange County by enhancing this community, helping hundreds of students, raising funds for several charities, countless hours in donating his time, how could The Times be so cold?

I personally feel that “setting the record straight” would be appropriate. The foundation may have made some accounting errors, but associating Salata with those mistakes was a greater disservice to your readership, and especially to Salata.

The media’s function is to report truth and unbiased information to the public. Perhaps this letter can serve as a reminder to that.



