
In Defense of KFI’s Leykis

U nnnnbelieeeeeevvvvvable!!!!! Please, tell me you had Student Career Day at the newspaper and a 10th-grader really wrote that sloppily researched hatchet job on KFI talk show host Tom Leykis (“Screaming at KFI’s ‘Verbal Combat,’ ” by Nikki Finke, Oct. 31).

The only person Finke interviewed for comments on Leykis’ show was a competitor, George Green, general manager of KABC Talk Radio. I wonder if your readers know that KABC and KLOS are owned by the same corporation? KLOS has such offensive programming that even I will not listen to it: racial slurs, Jewish slurs.

You won’t get that from Leykis. What you do get is entertainment with someone who forces a person to question the status quo, and God forbid he should actually talk to people about issues that really interest them.


No, every topic isn’t brain surgery, for Pete’s sake. But that is what makes Tom so much fun and, oh, wait now, here it comes, the i -word: interesting!

George Green ought to clean up his own garden and swallow his sour grapes.


