
How America’s Top Tobacco Companies Have Diversified

Here are the nation’s five leading cigarette makers, as ranked by Advertising Age, and what else they own.

1--Philip Morris: Maker of Marlboro and Virginia Slims, owns the nation’s No. 2 brewer Miller Brewing, Mission Viejo Realty and General Foods. Tobacco: 53% of sales.

2--RJR Nabisco: Makers of Winston, Salem and Camel, bought Nabisco Brands in 1985 for $4.9 billion. Also owns Del Monte Foods. Tobacco: 40% of sales.


3--Batus: The U.S. subsidiary of BAT Industries, the world’s largest tobacco company and maker of Kool, owns retailers Saks Fifth Avenue and Marshall Field’s. Is buying Farmers Group, a Los Angeles insurance holding company, for $5.2 billion. Tobacco: 40% of sales.

4--Loews Corp.: Maker of True, Newport and Kent, the firm also owns most of CNA Insurance Co., Loews Hotels and has a 24.8% share of CBS. Tobacco: 18% of sales.

5--American Brands: Maker of Pall Mall, Lucky Strike and Tareyton, the company also owns Jim Beam Whiskey, several lines of office supplies and hardware. Tobacco: 67% of sales.
