
San Diego

The City Council agreed Monday to give the city’s Charter Review Commission an additional $26,000 to allow it to continue operating between Nov. 1 and July 31 of next year.

The money will pay for office costs, phone bills, legal advice, clerical help and a $1,000 monthly salary for Executive Director Phil Acker. It will also allow the commission to continue considering City Charter changes that it may place before voters on the November, 1989, ballot.

The commission, which placed a measure creating an independent panel to review allegations of police misconduct on this fall’s ballot, has spent almost all of its $50,000 budget during six months of operation. Retired Appellate Court Justice Edward Butler, the commission’s chairman, told council members that he underestimated the money his agency would need.


The 6-2 vote, with council members Abbe Wolfsheimer and Ron Roberts dissenting, followed a lengthy discussion of the commission’s work.

Several council members told Butler that they intend to retreat from their pledge to automatically place charter measures on the ballot without review.
