
Controversy Over Quayle’s Nomination

Welcome, Sen. Quayle, to former Sen. Gary Hart’s world.

Where did we go wrong? Our society has spawned a group of iniquitous robots who lose their sense of morality in their quest for an expose.

I am a retired military man, of three wars. I do not hold any animosity toward anyone who opposed the Korean and Vietnam undeclared wars. And I don’t feel any ill will toward any person who tried to evade fighting in those senseless conflicts due to his convictions.

I do, however, have a strong dislike for a profession that crucifies people with innuendoes and half-truths just to get a story. The career of young Sen. Quayle is over, right or wrong.



Palm Springs

The Times received 429 letters on Quayle’s nomination; 294 were critical of his nomination, 112 supported him, and 23 took no stand.
