
The Nation : New England Utilities Warn of Blackouts

New England power officials warned that blackouts may occur throughout the six-state region today unless businesses and homeowners conserve electricity amid the heat wave. A shutdown over the weekend of the Maine Yankee nuclear power plant and one of four power generators on Salem Harbor in Massachusetts has worsened the already difficult power situation for most of New England, officials said. The National Weather Service reported that 18 cities in New England reported record high temperatures. Boston had an ironic record low temperature of 78 when an ocean breeze cooled the area. But soon after the winds shifted, the temperature shot up 14 degrees in 10 minutes, the weather service said. Bill Sheperdson of the New England Power Pool, which coordinates utility power supplies throughout New England, said: “If we don’t get a considerable contribution by our customers, as we did a number of days last week, we may not be able to provide uninterrupted service.” Boston Edison said the numbers do not add up for power supply to continue without periodic blackouts today.
