
L.A. Police Chief Endorses La Follette’s Bill to Make Schools Safer

Los Angeles Police Chief Daryl F. Gates on Tuesday endorsed a proposed law to require public schools to adopt plans for safeguarding students from gangs, drugs and violence on campus.

Gates gave his support to the Safe Schools Act while standing in front of a Sylmar school where two students were injured in a drive-by shooting in May.

“I think safety conditions are getting better, but they are still deplorable” in Los Angeles schools, Gates said. “We are not providing a safe environment.”


The legislation is being sponsored by Assemblywoman Marian W. La Follette (R-Northridge), who appeared with Gates at Olive Vista Junior High School.

La Follette’s bill would require all public schools to develop “comprehensive site-safety plans” in conjunction with local police agencies. The safety plans would be based on studies of crimes at individual schools and will address such features as lighting, security personnel and communications between classrooms.

The bill was passed by the Assembly last month and is scheduled to be considered by the Senate Appropriations Committee on Aug. 1.


The Los Angeles Unified School District officials said the proposal is considered a good idea but could become too expensive if safety plans call for extra staffing, increased security guards and communication equipment.
