
Lakers Haven’t Had Many Banner Years in L.A.

During the past season, I have heard many discussions concerning the five championship banners won by the Minneapolis Lakers and how everyone feels they should be hanging from the Forum’s rafters.

I disagree for two reasons:

--How many of the Los Angeles Laker fans were Minneapolis fans?

--The analogy, used by fans and Chick Hearn, to the Brooklyn Dodgers and the Oakland Raiders is not valid.

The Brooklyn Dodgers were owned by the O’Malley family and they still own the franchise. The Raider organization was, and still is, owned by Al Davis.


The old Minneapolis Lakers were owned by Max Winter, and he didn’t bring the franchise to California. The team was sold to Bob Short, and later Jack Kent Cooke.

I feel the Laker fans are worried more about how many world championship banners the Boston Celtics have, rather than facing reality and accepting the fact they have only five championships, commencing with the 1972 championship.

Also, back-to-back championships are exciting, but how would you describe eight championships back to back?


Harbor City
