
Candidates’ Views on Lt. Col. Oliver North

I am disturbed by the remarks of two of the candidates who are offering themselves as replacements for retiring congressman Robert Badham. Referring to Lt. Col. Oliver North, candidate C. Christopher Cox said that “Ollie was trying to do his best” and that he (Cox) favors a pardon by President Reagan should North face imprisonment.

Another candidate, Larry Sternberg, said, “I believe Oliver North is a patriot. We have too few of them.” There is no doubt that patriotism is a virtue. But Cox and Sternberg should realize that extension and contempt for law in the name of patriotism are indefensible.

Virtues like patriotism and loyalty by themselves do not make for good citizenship. What is indispensable is a solid understanding of our Constitution and a respect for the law. Cox and Sternberg don’t seem to recognize that North is a zealot, one who is convinced his ends are so noble that he used any means to accomplish them. Such men are dangerous.



Laguna Hills
