
Proposition 68: Limit on Funds

The papers are filled right now with stories of voter apathy. A record low turn-out is predicted for the June 7 primary. Many reasons are given for this sad situation, but the most prevalent explanation seems to be a feeling of alienation--a feeling that it really doesn’t matter.

It really does matter. It matters that special interests have assumed ascendancy over the individual in gaining access to our state legislators. It matters that the cost of running for the Assembly or state Senate has become outrageously expensive--it’s expected to have a $1-million price tag by 1990. It matters that incumbency has become synonymous with permanence. In 1986 not one incumbent running for office was defeated.

There is a proposition on the June ballot that addresses all these problems--Proposition 68. It addresses these problems by limiting campaign spending and contributions, by providing some matching funds to candidates, by prohibiting non-election year fund-raising and the transferring of funds from one candidate to another.


Proposition 68 isn’t perfect, but it’s a huge step and a great start toward making the political process more responsive to the people.

Proposition 73, which purports to address campaign funding, really addresses campaign contributions and not campaign spending, the real heart of the matter.

The League of Women Voters of San Diego urges a yes vote on Proposition 68 and a no vote on proposition 73.





San Diego
