
LAFCO’s Delayed Action on Saddleback

When the Times reported that LAFCO’s delayed action on the Saddleback cityhood proposal sent away “300 fuming south county residents” April 20, it should be noted that nearly one-third of those in attendance were not disappointed but were, in fact, pleased that the commission heeded the advice of county counsel. In these volatile days of incorporation fever in the south county, is it any wonder that this agency is cautious? When groups try to intimidate the commission with veiled threats, “moral outrage” and litigation, it is only natural that the commissioners would carefully check for legal compliance.

The Saddleback cityhood proposal, propelled prematurely before LAFCO, is based only on the dubious sponsorship of a Lilliputian water district rather than a successful petition drive. In direct contrast, the Laguna Hills cityhood proposal is before LAFCO because over 30% of the registered voters living in Laguna Hills signed a petition requesting an opportunity to have a clear choice about the future of their community.

A valleywide vote would deny the citizens of Laguna Hills an opportunity to be heard at the ballot box because El Toro and Lake Forest outnumber registered voters in Laguna Hills by 3 to 1. It apparently doesn’t bother the so-called Saddleback city leaders to force the citizens of Laguna Hills, against their will, into a city that a huge majority opposes.


Considering that south county communities will live with these LAFCO decisions for generations, is a hearing date set 60 days from now going to obstruct justice? Good ideas and sound proposals can stand the test of time and scrutiny.



Citizens to Save

Laguna Hills
