
‘People’s Mayor’

This letter refers to an article titled “A People’s Mayor or ‘the Princess?’ Accessibility Issue Dogs O’Connor” (April 17). I direct my comments particularly to the paragraph which states that “O’Connor wanted to turn over control of a San Ysidro recreation center in Filner’s district . . . to Casa Familiar--a move Filner opposed. . . . The move was approved over Filner’s protests.”

From my perspective as a longtime resident of San Ysidro, I think Maureen O’Connor keeps her word to the people. On the issue of the recreation center, she is consistent with her position and that of the City Council members who accepted the recommendations of the Regional/Urban Design Assistance Team report on March 23, 1987.

The question is: Why should O’Connor and a majority of the City Council members have to support an action in favor of San Ysidro over Councilman Filner’s protests? The recreation center in question is only a first step in responding to the recreation, park space, cultural and educational facilities which our young population needs.


Given the fact that the City of San Diego must take some responsibility for a runaway housing problem, which landed 26% of all the city’s low-income housing in San Ysidro, thereby tripling the population of youth, would it not be more appropriate for Councilman Filner to be carrying the cause of his constituents in San Ysidro before the City Council? I think so!

On Oct. 23 and 24, Maureen O’Connor, along with the Old Mission Beach Athletic Club and the citizens of San Ysidro, came and rolled up her sleeves and worked among us to help restore the San Ysidro Activities Center (the old Boys’ Club). We appreciate her interest in our youth and in the project. We also see her actions as being consistent with her words. She is a “People’s Mayor.”


San Ysidro
