
‘Gringo’s’ Extras

When Jane Fonda saw the striking workers picketing around the pyramids in Mexico (“Shooting ‘Gringo,’ ” by Gregg Barrios, April 24), she said, “ Si, se puede! (Yes, it is possible!).”

I think that is a wonderful and encouraging thought. But I find it a contradiction when I read that she is paying 250 extras only $8 a day each, no lunch. She may say that that is a lot of money in Mexico, but that is not really the point. Mexico’s economy is not the best in the world.

I’m sure the majority of the 250 extras she was using are good people. They may be underprivileged, poor and desperate, but nevertheless they are still good people. Instead of taking advantage of good people, we must remember to encourage them in as many ways as possible.

Doesn’t she think Fonda Films could afford to pay the 250 extras $30 a day each. Si, se puede! Wouldn’t she agree?


La Mirada
