
Back in the Spotlight

Cheryl Barnes is a singer with a crystal bite of a voice who can take the rousing “Dreamgirls” role identified with Jennifer Holliday and make you forget Holliday.

Starring in the Long Beach Civic Light Opera’s current production of the Motown-era musical, Barnes is a mystery woman to all but a few cognoscenti. She last appeared in a musical 13 years ago (Broadway’s “The Magic Show”), sang a solo in the 1979 movie version of “Hair,” won $100,000 on TV’s “Star Search” a year ago and has spent most of the ‘80s out of sight--on a string of odd jobs and spiritual adventures.

“I run away from the industry and the business a lot,” Barnes said this week. “It’s an obligation to be who I am, to appreciate the planet. I felt compelled to retreat and connect because the career aspects got too big. I needed to clarify myself, to fill in spaces.”


Barnes, who looks startlingly younger and slimmer in person than the Holliday-like bulk she affects for “Dreamgirls,” is powerful in her own piercing rendition of the show’s one great number, “And I’m Telling You I’m Not Going.” Ironically, she was Michael Bennett’s choice to replace Holliday in a 1980 workshop where “Dreamgirls” was first developed.

But Bennett wanted her to sing in Holliday’s style, she said. “The riffs they were teaching me for that song were Holliday’s. Riffs are personal expressions. I didn’t feel comfortable doing it, so I quit.”

And she dropped out--living for a year alone in the Mojave desert, doing telephone sales work in Santa Barbara and working with the Salvation Army. Now she’s shedding some of her “ ‘60s-’70s mentality.”


The Muse has lured her to the footlights once again.

“I don’t feel I’ve been meandering,” she said. “But now I want to grab it (opportunity). It’s time. I’ve done the introspection. I’ve done the retreat. Now I have the information to move on.”
