
‘Stamp of Approval’ for Postage Hike

I agree that the Postal Service is one of the most inefficient organizations on earth. There isn’t one business that would have an office in each city with many cities having two or three or more post offices in them. Nor is there a business that would forward first-class and second-class mail without charging a price.

I doubt a business would hold peoples’ mail for free when they go on vacation. I definitely believe they would not have an organization such as the Postal Inspection Service. Postal inspectors have solved some of the biggest cases in this country’s history. The Postal Service goes to each house, not specializing like United Parcel Service or Federal Express.

Those who want to break up the Postal Service have not told the public, in detail, what they would do to make it more efficient. I doubt very much the items I have listed and others not mentioned would be kept intact. It is the cheapest and most efficient service on earth with guaranteed prices and services for all people regardless of where they live. That, to me, is worth keeping.



Monterey Park
