
Claremont : College Centennial Concert

Pomona College alumni Robert Shaw, conductor of the Atlanta Symphony, and Vladimir Ussachevsky, an innovative composer of electronic music, will be featured in special concerts at 4:30 and 8 p.m. today marking the college’s centennial. The concerts will be in the college’s Bridges Hall of Music.

Shaw will conduct the Pomona College Choir and Symphony Orchestra in Ussachevsky’s “To the Young,” which he composed especially for the centennial, and Maurice Durufle’s “Requiem” at both concerts.

The two men performed together 50 years ago at Pomona’s anniversary in 1938. For that event, Ussachevsky, who graduated in 1935, composed the “Jubilee Cantata” and Shaw, class of 1938, was a participant.
