
Local News in Brief : South County : 3 Slow-Growth Groups Sue Board of Supervisors

Three slow-growth groups have filed suit against the county Board of Supervisors, seeking to halt three south county residential development projects.

In three separate lawsuits filed in Superior Court, Laguna Greenbelt joined with Citizens for Sensible Growth and Traffic Control as well as the Rural Canyon Residents Assn. to seek the overturn of the supervisors’ approval of the Dove Canyon, Foothill Ranch and Santa Margarita/Plano Trabuco projects.

The suits argue that the county violated the California Environmental Quality Act by not fulfilling its requirements in preparing the environmental impact reports upon which supervisors relied in granting approval.


They further contend that developer agreements approved by the board, in which the supervisors promise not to change the projects’ permits for as long as 20 years, are unconstitutional because they limit the rights of future elected officials.

The three projects were approved by the board last month.

Previously, slow-growth advocates filed similar lawsuits seeking to stop development of the Bear Brand, Aliso Viejo and Marina Hills projects, also in south county.
