
Lesbian Sorority

Regarding the new sorority at UCLA, Lambda Delta Lambda, I must say I am truly in awe of the courage these women possess.

The fact that they saw a need that was not being fulfilled and went out and did something about it rather than wait in the shadows for someone else to address their need is truly a mark of their being honest, industrious and courageous individuals.

With regard to those people who are critical of the new sorority, their voices were noticeably anonymous in the article. If they think they have something to say why don’t they display their names along side their comments?


People who want to make other people’s business their own should preferably mind their own business, but if they fail to do that then at the very least they should identify themselves. Otherwise I am compelled to think their comments are not worthy of acknowledgment.

Seeing these nine women put the themselves on the line makes me proud to be a woman. I wish each of them success.


Santa Barbara
