
BritFest Films : <i> Following are capsule reviews of screenings in the American Film Institute’s BritFest during the UK/LA ’88 Festival. All screenings are in the Mark Goodson Theater on the AFI campus in Hollywood. : </i>


‘VIDEO ART PROGRAM’ Goodson, 6:30 p . m.

Two highlights in this program of experimental videos. Catherine Elwes’ haunting “Play” is a precise and evocative rumination on children--balancing nearly disembodied piano playing with the mysterious image of a laughing child at a window. Peter Greenaway and Tom Phillips’ “A TV Dante,” pilot for a TV series based on the “Inferno,” is Greenaway’s usual mixture of visual irony and verbal sophistication, classicism laced with straight-faced sex: so striking and inventive you wish the series had been realized. Steve Hawley’s “Trout Descending a Staircase” is amusing video action painting in a Duchampian vein. But Simon Robertshaw’s “Biometrika” is a polemic against genetic engineering with strained effects, and the group satire, “Invisible Television,” while refreshingly irreverent, is a collage that goes on all too visibly and all but interminably.
