
Armenian Class at Cal State Northridge

Getse!--the Armenian word for Bravo!--to Pamela Moreland for her comprehensive coverage of the class in Armenian. She certainly has clarified the problems involved as well as presenting some of the possible solutions that are under consideration in the teaching of Armenian in local institutions.

But to call Armenian an easy language to master, as Margaret Mead did, would be disputed by many, among them England’s Lord Byron. The noted poet began his study of Armenian in December, 1816, as a form of therapy in the midst of a love affair! Byron stated that his daily studies emanated from the fact that “my mind wanted something craggy to break upon and this--as the most difficult thing I could discover here for an amusement--I have chosen, to torture me into attention.”

In the process, he assisted in the compilation of an Armenian-English grammar dictionary and even learned how to write in Armenian. I have both a copy of the dictionary as well as Byron’s signature in Armenian.



Los Angeles
