
Local News in Brief : Plan to Block Civic Center

Opponents of a $25-million West Hollywood civic center, planned for the city’s western edge in West Hollywood Park, announced Monday that they will campaign for an initiative on the June ballot to block construction of the civic center in the park.

Tom Larkin, a real estate broker, announced the formation of the Save Our Parks Alliance to spearhead the effort, which he predicted will result in “the single biggest outcry” since West Hollywood was incorporated in 1984.

The City Council last week voted 4 to 1 to build the long-debated civic center in the park, one of only two public recreational areas in West Hollywood.


Bob Hattoy, regional director of the Sierra Club, which opposes the use of park space for new civic buildings, joined Larkin and several others of the group in denouncing the council’s decision.

Hattoy said “hundreds of volunteers” will blanket the city in coming weeks in an effort to obtain the more than 3,000 signatures required for an initiative.
