
Local News in Brief : 2nd Kaiser AQMD Hearing Set

Regional air quality officials, who dealt a blow to San Pedro boat owners when they granted two crucial operating permits to the Kaiser International coal and petroleum coke exporting facility, are scheduled Tuesday to decide what conditions, if any, to place on those permits.

The issue of the so-called Kaiser bulk loader, which the boat owners say pollutes the air and spews black coal dust on their vessels, came before the hearing board of the South Coast Air Quality Management District in October. Over the objections of the boat owners and the AQMD staff, which said the bulk loader was a public nuisance, the board voted 5 to 0 to give Kaiser the permits it needed to continue operating at the Port of Los Angeles.

On Tuesday, however, the hearing board may impose restrictions to ensure that Kaiser complies with pollution standards while it is loading and unloading coal. The hearing will be in the auditorium at the AQMD offices, 9150 Flair Drive, El Monte, at 9:30 a.m.
