

Our readers wrote letters throughout 198 7 expressing their viewpoints on a variety of issues. Here are condensed versions of some of those letters. We appreciate their taking the time to share their viewpoints and look forward to hearing from you in 1988.

Battle lines are indeed being drawn. Environmentalists aver that more freeways don’t solve traffic problems. They cause them. Many perceive that the call for more freeways is to hide the developers’ real aim: to provide access to their projected housing tracts.

But developers have a point. Slow-growthers block the door to the bank. They deny Orange County to future generations.


An Orange County planner recently asked, “How much growth should be allowed?”One answer came from a Laguna Beach City Council member a few years back. He said, “Limit growth to the present capacity of the Orange County traffic system.” I’d say that advice is a little late. But maybe it’s a start.


Laguna Beach
