
Day of the Hunter

Most loudmouth anti-hunters know little of the wildlife that they think they are “protecting.” Based on Simon’s comments, this is true in his case . . .

Hunters as a whole contribute more to this nation’s wildlife than any other single group, not only in tax dollars through the self-imposed Pittman Robertson Act and license and tag sales, but through thousands upon thousands of man days in the field working directly on conservation projects. Also countless thousands of dollars are donated by hunters each and every year. I can think of one hunter in California who has donated close to $500,000 to the betterment of wildlife.

Through these programs mentioned above, hunters have helped expand elk, antelope, whitetail deer and bighorn sheep populations to record highs.


I am a hunter, Mr. Simon, and I know more about the outdoors than you could ever hope to, and I know that hunting is a sound game-management technique.


