
All About Tribute

I think The Times was way overboard in its lengthy tribute to Sue Mengers (“All About Sue,” by Paul Rosenfield, Dec. 6). After all, Mengers had the benefit of a large, million-dollar agency behind her, paying the overhead and bringing in the clients.

What about yours truly, who rescued Mickey Rooney from oblivion 17 years ago and who is responsible to this day for his success, and who also had the foresight to insist that Gene Barry be seen for “La Cage Aux Folles” . . . who had Yvonne DeCarlo written into “Follies” after she lost the role she went for.

I have always paid my own way and owned my own company since I started, about the same time Sue started in New York . . . as a messenger girl. I have attached a copy of a Variety ad (above) I took last year listing most of my star clients . . . many of whose careers I started . . . many of whom I have fed, housed, publicized and financed single-handedly. And I have never had a dime I didn’t earn myself.


After the holidays I may ask for Mengers’ job. She had a snap!


Los Angeles
