
Reagan Sees Soviet Influence

President Reagan’s nostalgic regret for the demise of the House Un-American Activities Committee and the Senate investigations committee headed by the late, unlamented Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy (R-Wis.), which shows “the success of what the Soviets were able to do in this country,” (“Reagan Says Soviets Influence Media,” Part I, Oct. 1), is but another example of his closed mind-set about civil liberties in the United States and the influence of the Evil Empire in our country.

It would be laughable, if it were not sad, that the President of the United States should today lament the passing of those witch-hunting days prior to and during the McCarthy era when the careers and lives of countless good Americans were threatened, and in a good many cases destroyed, by the un-American activities of those whom Reagan obviously holds in the highest esteem.

Fortunately, most Americans are not taken in by the fact that Reagan “wistfully” would have us harken back to those good old Red-scare days, but still have a decent regard for our Constitution and its Bill of Rights. Despite attacks from many sides, including the President and his attorney general, civil liberties are still alive and working in our country.



Los Angeles
