
Shelter Aid Calls Attention to Domestic Violence

Facts to consider: Domestic violence is the single largest cause of injury to women--exceeding rapes, muggings and even auto accidents. It affected 3 to 4 million women and their children last year.

These statistics were supplied by Shelter Aid, a newly created program, which began a campaign last week to create awareness of the situation and to offer help to those who need it. It was launched with the introduction of actress Lindsay Wagner as the 1987 spokesperson for Shelter Aid.

October is also National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and as part of that, a new “Cagney & Lacey” episode at 10 tonight (Channels 2 and 8), entitled “Loves Me Not,” will deal with the subject.


At Wagner’s side was Marcia Niemann, executive director of the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. She discussed the first national toll-free domestic violence hot line, (800) 333-SAFE, which went into operation Sept. 15 as the first component of the Shelter Aid program.

The hot line will be answered 24 hours a day, Niemann explained.

Also present at the interview was Mava K. Heffler, director of sales promotion with Johnson & Johnson, which has donated $562,000 to the National Coalition.
