
Clean Air

Recently we’ve had hot, smoggy days. On such days one swears to do something about our air quality. Anyone living in Los Angeles wants clean, clear air. Each of us, if we drive registered cars in urban areas of California, has to deal with, and pay for, proof that our cars are meeting emission controls.

I don’t mind paying my share. Keeping my car tuned and getting it smog tested every other year seems a small price to pay to live here. But it makes me furious to know that major contributors to our filthy air can get by pollution controls by the Clean Air Act (Rep. Mel Levine’s “Off-shore Oil Chokes Air and Coastal Development,” Op-Ed Page, Sept. 22).

Offshore oil drilling is detrimental to marine and bird life with its inevitable spills and leaks each year. It is a blight on the visual landscape and it pollutes our air.


When will others have to pay the price to live here?


