
Conclusion of the Iran-Contra Hearings

In watching the hearings, it is easy to see the true meaning of patriotism is not blind faith but the willingness to question the government; to remind our elected officials that their duty is representing the people, not their own self-interests.

The people of the U.S. have a duty as well. It is obtain the facts, make educated decisions, and voice these opinions by voting, writing letters to officials, or getting out on the streets and demonstrating. This is what makes a democracy, the fact that our leaders work for the people and the people have the right to have opinions.

What I see, however, is apathy . . . pure laziness. I see it in the government, where people like North, Casey, and Read Adm. John Poindexter were too lazy to go through the system to help their cause and instead opted to go behind the backs of Congress and even the President causing the most embarrassing and damaging scandal in the history of the United States. Apathy is rampant on the streets, too. Less than half of the eligible voters vote! Why is there so much laziness? That is one question the hearings have answered for me. It seems America has a poor self-image.


If we could just stop and think, something I hope these hearings made Americans do, we would realize that a democracy is made out of many opinions, each one relevant and to be respected. But sadly, it seems that we do not have the confidence.

Also ironic is the fact that those who do question, including the press, are automatically proclaimed “die-hard liberals,” “communist sympathizers,” and “anti-American” in this McCarthy-like scene. I, a 17-year-old attending high school, find the entire situation confusing.

People like North then tell us that things can’t work as they do on paper . . . that it is not that simple. Well Ollie, there are a few pieces of paper I think work pretty well, namely the Constitution and the ballot. And I’ll tell you something else, I can’t wait until 1988 when I’ll get my chance to be a national hero and vote. Maybe the President and his aides should come and sit in on one of my social studies classes . . . it’s obvious they have either forgotten or never learned what a true democracy is.



Los Angeles
