
Dukakis Has Fattest War Chest

United Press International

Massachusetts Gov. Michael S. Dukakis, his coffers enriched by a $2.5-million fund-raising event, has jumped into a fat lead in the money chase among candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination, according to figures filed today with the Federal Election Commission.

Dukakis, who entered the presidential sweepstakes after several candidates’ campaigns were well under way, has raised $4.6 million, $2.5 million from a single $1,000-per-person event in Boston. Dukakis was trailed by Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. of Delaware, $3.2 million; Rep. Richard A. Gephardt of Missouri, $2.2 million; Sen. Albert Gore Jr. of Tennessee, $1.4 million; former Arizona Gov. Bruce Babbitt, $1.1 million; Sen. Paul Simon of Illinois, $926,898, and Jesse Jackson, about $300,000.
