
‘A Better Way for the RTD’

Your editorial, “A Better Way for the RTD” (June 19) was obviously not written by someone who stood at a street corner and was passed up by overcrowded buses, or was on one of those overcrowded buses.

Whatever the faults of the RTD, whatever the rationale of the Los Angeles County Transportation Commission in refusing to provide the RTD with additional funding, the people of Los Angeles County are being denied good, reliable public transit service, despite the fact that they have paid for it and the money is there to provide it.

It’s nice to sit back and throw out reasons why something shouldn’t be done. It’s nice to have the RTD as a prime target for criticism. But the bottom line is people--people who need public transportation they can depend on.


While quick fixes aren’t always a good solution, if there were ever a time one might be appropriate, this is it. There is legislation which will totally reorganize public transit in Los Angeles County by next year.

Why force the people who need transportation to wait until that happens, particularly since they have already paid the bill?

It’s time the news media and the politicians sent a message to both the SCRTD and the LACTC--a message that people need public transportation, and it’s up to the Southern California Rapid Transit District and the Los Angeles County Transportation Commission to make sure they get it.



General Chairman

United Transportation Union

