
Porn Queen’s Next Starring Role? Italian Parliament

From Reuters

Hard-core sex queen Ilona Staller, the most controversial candidate to stand in Italy’s general elections, has won a seat in Parliament, election results showed today.

Staller, standing for the small, maverick Radical party in the southern Rome constituency of Latina, was voted in after a campaign in which she performed strip shows for the public, posed topless for the press and regularly brought traffic in the capital to a halt.

The 37-year-old blonde porn star, better known as “Cicciolina” (the little chubby one), proved to be the Radical’s second-most-popular candidate after party leader Marco Pannella.


During a highly publicized electoral campaign--”Down with nuclear energy, up with sexual energy” was one of her favorite slogans--Cicciolina staged strip shows to encourage reluctant voters and offered them bit parts in her next blue movie.
